Monday, June 17, 2013

Challenge: No Lights No Lycra

This challenge is something I had been meaning to do for a while. And by "a while" I mean "around 3 years," since my ex housemate and INSSW blogger Dave used to go all the time. Also, dancing in the dark pretty much sounds like exactly my kind of thing. But often I was busy or lazy or forgetful or had a broken leg and didn't get around to it. Yet, one very cold Wednesday evening I managed to remember that it was on and that I had expressed interest in going, even if I did remember halfway through a gym workout. And I decided to go anyway.

No Lights, No Lycra started a few years ago, and the idea is that it is a dance class without instructors or choreography, where people can just dance in the dark. When I arrived, there wasn't really anyone around yet, and since it is in a church hall it was all a bit creepy. Soon enough, people who looked like my people and so I followed them to a dark hall, and sat just inside, hoping that I would be able to find Dave in the dark when he arrived. Lucky for me I did, and soon enough there was dancing to keep me warm. About halfway through Dave wandered off, and I didn't find him again until the end. I think the experience is better on your own, as it was much easier to forget myself and just enjoy my own physicality. Highlights were the weird echoey version of "Shout" that was kinda eerie in the dark, and going crazy to "I just can't wait to be king."

10/10 - turns out it is my kind of thing.

Would I do it Again:
I already have! (Yeah, I have been slack with blogging, but it only took a week and a half to get around to it. Which is not that bad)

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