Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Challenge: Zumba

Zumba was one of the first ideas floated when I started this project, but for some reason it never actually happened. So, when a friend suggested we go I readily agreed. 
I was pretty bad at Zumba. 
I don't think I was unusually bad, but it seems like the idea is that you just pick it up as you go. Sometimes I tried quite hard to follow the steps. Other times I more or less gave up and just moved about on the spot. When I did that I had more fun really. 
I am pretty bad at Zumba. 
I think it would be more fun if I knew the steps. And a better workout, which I guess is the point. The instructor said you need to go 3 times before you pick it up. 
I think I might need more. 
I am pretty bad at Zumba. 
Stars: 5/10. 
Would I do it again? Probably. But mostly because my friend likes it. And I like my friend. And maybe it is better when you can do it. 

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